
Before the coronavirus crisis, digital priorities were so much at the top of organizational priorities that “digital transformation” had achieved the status of business buzzword.

IT departments were busy with initiatives to, as Salesforce once explained, “create new — or modify existing — business processes, culture, and customer experiences to meet changing business and market requirements.”

Despite the high visibility businesses gave to digital transformation, the process was slow. CIO.com says, “Most organizations aren’t the digital entities they seek to be.”

“Experts say organizations and their teams need to think of transformation not as a program or project with a start or end date, but rather a new way of operating,” says CIO.com in an article the website for tech leaders entitled “Does digital transformation ever end?

Jeff Thomas, CTO and acting co-CIO of Sentara Healthcare, offers an answer, “I don’t think the journey ends.”

His view is reflected in the findings of multiple surveys all echoing similar results: Corporate leaders declare themselves fully invested in digital transformation, but struggle to achieve the success they are looking for.

PwC provided an explanation of why. In 2020 Global Digital IQ, PwC said that of the 2,380 executives it surveyed around the world it “discovered a group of companies that consistently generate payback and get significant value on their digital investments in every area we assess — from growth and profits to innovation, customer experience, people and more.”

Those companies – 5% of the companies surveyed – succeed because, PwC says, “Transformation never ends… Their cultural DNA empowers them to navigate change and be prepared for anything.”

“Digital is their corporate strategy, not a line item or ‘special effort’.”

Commenting on the report, PwC Global Chief Experience Officer David Clarke tells CIO.com writer Mary K. Pratt, “We look at companies doing well and find that they’re committed to constant change… Digital transformation is more of a DNA thing, it’s more of how you operate, it’s the idea that you’ll never be finished, because you never know what the next great idea or technology will be.”

While the entire C-suite needs to be committed to digital transformation, “the CIO is the person best suited to take that on,” maintains Arthur M. Langer, academic director of the Executive MS in Tech Management program at Columbia University.

“Successful CIOs are not only focused on the technology but also on the strategy and how to work with the business units to assimilate new ways in which people will work, how they use technologies, how to predict obsolescence of products and how to advise boards.”

As companies slowly reopen their doors and initiatives put on hold during the pandemic are revisited, successful digital transformation will come not from successive major projects, but from small steps.

“Change fatigue is very real,” Trent Mayberry, chief digital officer at UST Global tells CIO.com. “The idea that I’m going to do Program A and then B and then C and I’m never going to stop that change, then that’s exhausting.”

Instead, “Build an organization that can change incrementally every day, where every day you’re getting better. That’s how business should work, where transformation is constant minor degrees of change.”

Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash


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Green Key

Telemedicine Use Surges As People Avoid Personal Contact

Faced with limits on in-person visits and constrained by directives to stay home, an ever-growing number of consumers are turning to telemedicine.

Telehealth provider MDLive says it is fielding nearly double the number of daily calls it gets during a normal flu season. CEO Charles Jones says most of the telehealth visits are not coronavirus-related, but for more usual reasons such as a cold.

Jones said the calls are coming from “people who have normal healthcare needs who now decided they’d rather do it by video.”

Forrester Research says at the current rate, virtual healthcare interactions could hit 1 billion by year’s end. In the past, telehealth growth was limited by public awareness and the easy access to in-person care.

“President Trump talking about the benefits of virtual care, I think, helped reduce one of those barriers that we found in our research of awareness,” analyst Arielle Trzcinsktold CNBC.

survey in mid-March, just as businesses and schools were being ordered closed, found 42% of respondents unfamiliar with telehealth. Of those who were aware, 20% had used telehealth to consult with a provider. Another 40% were considering it, but had not yet had a telehealth appointment. But if they felt they were experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, 73% would consider a telehealth visit; 12% then already had one.

At about the same time, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services loosened the rules on telehealth, greatly extending who can use the service from mostly rural areas to the entire nation and allowing telehealth services to be accessed from home. It also increased the types of providers delivering telehealth services to include a broader range of doctors, nurse practitioners, clinical psychologists, and licensed clinical social workers.

The pandemic has also encouraged individual doctors and medical clinics to arrange for telehealth visits with their patients. According to a survey by medical technology provider Kareo, 75% of practices are now providing telemedicine services or will be deploying one soon.

Health insurance provider Cigna is encouraging its customers to make greater use of telemedicine, waiving out-of-pockets for all COVID-19 related visits including those by phone and video. MDLive, which partners with Cigna to provide mental health services, said calls from those anxious about health or jobs have also increased.

Ironically, as the number of telehealth video users increases, the internet itself could become a limiting factor. IT network professionals and telecoms say that a surge in internet traffic is placing an unusually heavy demand on the infrastructure.

Chintan Patel, Cisco’s chief technologist in the UK, told CNBC, the network is designed to cope with peak traffic times, “It’s just that the peak is at a longer time and longer duration now.”

Still, streaming services like Netflix and Disney have taken steps to reduce network congestion. The European Union is asking that streaming services cut video quality to reduce the demand for the system. Besides Netflix, Google and Amazon have complied. Sony said it would slow PlayStation downloads.  

Photo by Kendal on Unsplash


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Green Key