
Time is a constant companion in our lives, yet not everyone seems to experience it in the same way. For some, a minute feels like an hour while for others it flies by in a second. This phenomenon is called time blindness, and even though it has “…been noted more often in children with ADHD…” and other mental health disorders it is now being studied in adults. In this article we’ll take a detailed look at time blindness.

What is time blindness?

Cleavland Clinic discussed the topic with Dr. Michael Manos, pediatric behavioral health specialist who stated, “Time blindness” refers to the inability to recognize when time has passed or to estimate how long something will take.” Hence, time blindness is another way to explain losing track of time and noting that it can be more extreme for some.

Time blindness often manifests as:

  • Difficulty estimating how long a task will take.
  • Struggles with time management and organization.
  • Underestimating travel time.

The Impact of Time Blindness

Time blindness can affect various aspects of life, including:

  • Productivity: Difficulty estimating how long a task will take can lead to overcommitting or underestimating workloads.

  • Relationships: Frequent lateness can strain personal and professional relationships

  • Mental Health: Lateness and disorganization can lead to anxiety and stress.

Strategies for Managing Time Blindness in the Workplace

  • Use timers and alarms: This will help you stay on track and avoid losing track of time.

  • Limit Distractions: Identify distractions in your workspace and take steps to minimize them. For instance, turning off certain notifications or finding a quieter space to work.

  • Prioritize and Plan: Create a to-do list daily and focus on completing high priority tasks first.

  • Use Visual Aids: Using visual aids like calendar, planners and task boards will help you visualize your schedule and tasks.

  • Break Tasks into smaller steps: Divide larger tasks into smaller, more manageable steps. This will help you better estimate how long the task will take.

  • Seek Feedback: Talk to your manager and other team members to reflect on your work and meeting deadlines. This will provide insights into where time is being lost.

We all lose track of time sometimes. But by recognizing the challenges caused by time blindness and seeking out techniques that work for you, you can better navigate the ever-flowing river of time.

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Green Key

#WeAreGreenKey: Spotlight on Samantha Desena 

Welcome back to #WeAreGreenKey, where we shine a spotlight on our powerhouse agency team.   

We met up with Samantha Desena, Recruiter at Green Key on the Accounting and Finance team. Samantha started her career at Green Key almost 2 years ago, when she transitioned to agency recruiting.  

How did you get started in recruiting?  

I started off my recruiting career as an internal recruiter within the finance field and I was solely recruiting for one job all the time. I loved interacting with people in that capacity and being able to help them find a new career but after a while I started feeling siloed and the day to day became very mundane. So, I started looking into agency recruiting, and I found out that it’s kind of this whole other world where there are different jobs that you’re working on at once and they could all be completely different. So that’s kind of how I fell into agency recruiting and joined Green Key. When I started here, they were opening the Morristown NJ office, so I jumped on that, and I got in contact with Pat Friel. This is my first agency experience and I love it. It’s ever changing, always interesting, never boring. I feel like every week is a different challenge. I’m really happy I found agency recruiting.  

What do you find the most rewarding about your work? 

The most rewarding thing about the work I do is interacting with people and just being able to take people where they’re at and help them get on a path to where they want to be. Whether they’re in public accounting or they’re in an industry role and really want to be a controller down the line or really want to get into a fund, we can be the career advisor that shows them what the path will need to look like to get to their end goal.  

2024 marks 20 years of Green Key, how would you describe your experience since starting your career with the team? 

It’s interesting to be on a team where everybody’s at a different point in their recruiting career and their time with Green Key. We have people who’ve been at Green Key for all of 20 years. We have people who have been at Green Key for 1-3 years and everyone comes from such different backgrounds. We have a ton of people on our team who started as accountants or CPA’s then you have people like me who are two years into the working world and have a communications degree. It is awesome to have the same opportunity regardless of my educational background. It’s a role that comes down to your drive and your personal goals. I think that’s super cool.  

Are there any challenges you foresee for candidates in the year ahead and what advice would you give to them to navigate the challenges?  

I would just tell them that if they were considering leaving their current job, they should reach out to us before putting in their notice so that way we can help them set up a game plan to find their next opportunity. It is hard to stay in a job that you are unhappy or mistreated in but it is even harder to find the job you really want when unemployed. We see really good candidates struggling with this and it can be discouraging for them. So, hold off and get in contact with a recruiter and talk about what your timeline is and we will help you find something new ASAP. 

What are you and your team’s goals for 2024? 

Our goals as recruiters are to bring in new business but also to continue building the relationships we have with our clients and candidates. And as a team in NJ, I think a goal we have is to grow our office. When I started, we were about 3 people in NJ and now we are 6! It would be cool for us to grow the office as big as some of our other offices like in Pittsburgh or NYC.  

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Green Key