
Navigating hiring algorithms as a candidate can feel like trying to crack a secret code. With companies increasingly relying on automated systems to filter through countless resumes, it’s crucial for candidates to understand how these algorithms work and how to optimize their applications to stand out.

Why Companies use Hiring Algorithms?

According to Quartz.com, “Mona Sloane, a senior research scientist at the NYU Center for Responsible AI who worked on the project, says companies rely on automated decision systems for two reasons: to analyze a large volume of applicants, or to find workers with a niche skill set or level of experience. Employers looking to fill internships, sales, or service industry jobs, for example, turn to algorithms to narrow down the pool of candidates. But for niche roles in tech like software engineers, machine learning engineers and data scientists, for example, companies may use automated decision systems to find these workers and reach out to them even if they’re not actively looking for a job.”

Here are a Few Key strategies to tackle hiring algorithms effectively:

Formatting Matters

Keep your resume formatting simple and standardized. Avoid using fancy fonts, graphics, or unconventional layouts that might confuse the algorithm. Stick to clear headings and bullet points to ensure that important information is easily parsed by the system.

Keyword Optimization

Tailor your resume and online profiles to include relevant keywords from the job description. Hiring algorithms often prioritize resumes that closely match the job requirements, so highlighting your skills and experiences in alignment with the job posting is essential.

Use Action Verbs

Start bullet points with action verbs to describe accomplishments and responsibilities. This not only makes your resume more engaging for human readers but also helps hiring algorithms identify relevant experience more efficiently.

Quantify Achievements

Whenever possible, quantify your achievements with numbers, percentages, or other metrics. Concrete data provides hiring algorithms with tangible evidence of your capabilities, making your resume more compelling.

In conclusion, navigating hiring algorithms may seem daunting, armed with the right strategies, candidates can effectively optimize their applications and stand out in a competitive job market. The World Economic Forum reiterated this by saying, “Applying for a job can be overwhelming—even without algorithms in the way. But while lawmakers work out how to regulate this technology, job seekers and recruiters should know the limitations of tech-enabled hiring and bring people back in to correct its shortcomings.

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Green Key
Apr 18, 2024

March Jobs Report: Unexpected Strength

Despite economists’ forecasts of a slowdown in job growth and a weakening labor market due to 11 anticipated interest rate hikes, the latest jobs report for March delivered unexpected results. According to CNN, “Employers added 303,000 jobs in March, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported. The unemployment rate fell to 3.8% from 3.9% the month before.”

CNN, went further to highlight that, “Annual wage gains slowed to 4.1% from 4.3%, a trajectory likely welcomed by the Federal Reserve in its efforts to tame inflation but yet a still-strong rate to help Americans recapture earnings that were decimated by the pandemic and high inflation. “Today’s jobs report raises the possibility that rather than slowing down, job growth might be holding steady,” Nick Bunker, Indeed Hiring Lab’s economic research director for North America, said in a statement. “But this strength is coming from sources that are more sustainable than those that fueled the burst of gains in 2021. March’s jobs numbers were uniformly strong, and upticks in the employment-population ratio and labor force participation in particular suggest that demand for workers is not outstripping supply, like it was a few years back.”

Which sectors added the most jobs?

USA Today stated, “Last month, health care and social assistance led the job gains with 81,000. The public sector, mostly local governments, added 71,000; construction, 39,000; and leisure and hospitality, which includes restaurants and bars, 49,000.” However, its mainly government healthcare and hospitality jobs driving the trend which could lead to, “…a labor market that would downshift dramatically in coming months,” as reported by USA Today.

Why are we seeing this trend now?

Even though it may look like things are tough for candidates, the job market is on its way up. According to Forbes, “The brighter outlook was due to the decrease in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and a significant boost to the stock and bond markets. The decline in the CPI and the potential for inflation stabilization led to investors’ optimism.”

March’s job report defied expectations highlighting resilience of the US labor market and providing insight into broader economic trends. While challenges remain, the data points to a strong foundation for continued growth. If you’re looking for a new role, our team of seasoned experts are ready to partner with you. Be sure to check out our jobs page to check out open roles.

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Green Key