
Three more states are considering allowing out of state accounting firms to provide services without the need for the firms to register or obtain state licenses.

Already 30 states have CPA firm mobility laws, allowing them to practice without having to provide notice to each state’s accountancy board. That puts firms on the same footing as individual CPAs who can practice in all 50 states without having to be licensed in each.

“A big priority for the AICPA now is firm mobility, which ensures firms can also work from state-to-state,” said Marta Zaniewski, AICPA vice president, state regulatory & legislative affairs. “It’s equally important that clients and the public have access to various firms’ subject-matter expertise and services that may or may not be available to them in their home jurisdictions.”

The Association of International Certified Public Accountants in partnership with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy is working collaboratively with the legislatures of Alaska, Maine and Oklahoma where firm mobility bills have been introduced.

“We try to push forward the UAA model everywhere, but every state will do it their own way, and there are probably slight differences in different jurisdictions,” Zaniewski told The Journal of Accountancy.

The Uniform Accountancy Act (UAA) was developed by the AICPA as model legislation for all states. The 30 states that now have firm mobility laws in place follow the broad strokes of the UAA, though most have made minor adjustments to fit their individual needs.

Licensing of professionals and occupations has itself come under scrutiny in recent years, with several states considering loosening requirements. To address the lack of hard data about the value of licensing, the Alliance for Responsible Professional Licensing (ARPL) last year commissioned a study of the impact of professional and occupational licensing.

Among the key findings in the recently published report is that licensing of the highly skilled professions – lawyers, doctors, engineers, accountants and the like – improve earnings overall, but have a better than average benefit for women and minorities.

Licensing value chart.jpg

Licensing, the Oxford Economics research firm found:

  1. Positively contributes to narrowing the gender-driven wage gap giving men an average 5.6% boost and 7.4% for women;
  2. Female engineers, surveyors, architects, landscape architects, and CPAs can expect a 6.1% hourly wage increase on average after becoming licensed in their field.
  3. Minority engineers, surveyors, architects, landscape architects, and CPAs can expect an 8.1% hourly wage increase on average after becoming licensed in their field.

Observed Alice Gambarin, a senior economist at Oxford Economics, “[The] findings suggest licensing is an important economic tool for professionals.”

Photo by Hunters Race on Unsplash


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Green Key

Companies Are Finding Virtual Recruiting to Be More Efficient

It takes a little getting used to, but companies are finding that recruiting executives remotely offers more than enough benefits to make up for the lack of in-person meetings.

“There are many ways where the virtual recruitment is more efficient than what we did before,” said Jacqueline Welch, chief human resources officer and chief diversity officer at mortgage-finance giant Freddie Mac.

She told The Wall Street Journal that Freddie Mac has remotely onboarded 250 employees since mid-March when the government sponsored home loan company closed down its offices and had employees work from home.

Just this month, Welch said, the company hired a new CFO, also virtually.

In another example cited by The Journal, Nielsen Global Connect, a part of the US research company Nielsen Holdings PLC, hired a new CFO with all but a single in-person meeting with the CEO.

“I will admit that, in the end, it felt a bit odd to hire a CFO who I had never met,” CEO David Rawlinson told The Journal. “So we met at my house and talked briefly through masks, properly distanced in the backyard.”

The Boston Business Journal described how Massachusetts tech startup Drift, Inc. hired a new chief revenue officer to lead its 100-person sales team entirely remotely. The publication described the month-long interview process as being conducted via phone calls, video chats, emails, WhatsApp and text messages.

“In the back of my mind, and the rest of our minds, we expected that at some point we would meet him and then we would probably be going back to normal,” Drift CEO David Cancel said. “That just never turned out to be the case.”

Virtual recruiting offers several advantages, executive search recruiters explained. Besides the substantial savings on flights, hotels and meals and avoiding travel hassles and scheduling conflicts, remote hiring is quicker.

Cathy Logue, an executive recruiter who leads the CFO practice, said a recent search for a senior executive was completed in three months. “If you had asked me in January if this was possible I would have said, ‘Absolutely not,’ in no uncertain terms.”

There’s another, less obvious, benefit to remote interviewing.

“So often, when you meet someone in person and you spend time with them, there’s a lot of things beyond the communication happening … and some of that can bias you in the decision-making process,” Cancel said. “This let us focus more on the actual substance of the conversation.”

Photo by LinkedIn Sales Solutions on Unsplash


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#WeAreGreenKey: Spotlight on Samantha Desena 

Welcome back to #WeAreGreenKey, where we shine a spotlight on our powerhouse agency team.   

We met up with Samantha Desena, Recruiter at Green Key on the Accounting and Finance team. Samantha started her career at Green Key almost 2 years ago, when she transitioned to agency recruiting.  

How did you get started in recruiting?  

I started off my recruiting career as an internal recruiter within the finance field and I was solely recruiting for one job all the time. I loved interacting with people in that capacity and being able to help them find a new career but after a while I started feeling siloed and the day to day became very mundane. So, I started looking into agency recruiting, and I found out that it’s kind of this whole other world where there are different jobs that you’re working on at once and they could all be completely different. So that’s kind of how I fell into agency recruiting and joined Green Key. When I started here, they were opening the Morristown NJ office, so I jumped on that, and I got in contact with Pat Friel. This is my first agency experience and I love it. It’s ever changing, always interesting, never boring. I feel like every week is a different challenge. I’m really happy I found agency recruiting.  

What do you find the most rewarding about your work? 

The most rewarding thing about the work I do is interacting with people and just being able to take people where they’re at and help them get on a path to where they want to be. Whether they’re in public accounting or they’re in an industry role and really want to be a controller down the line or really want to get into a fund, we can be the career advisor that shows them what the path will need to look like to get to their end goal.  

2024 marks 20 years of Green Key, how would you describe your experience since starting your career with the team? 

It’s interesting to be on a team where everybody’s at a different point in their recruiting career and their time with Green Key. We have people who’ve been at Green Key for all of 20 years. We have people who have been at Green Key for 1-3 years and everyone comes from such different backgrounds. We have a ton of people on our team who started as accountants or CPA’s then you have people like me who are two years into the working world and have a communications degree. It is awesome to have the same opportunity regardless of my educational background. It’s a role that comes down to your drive and your personal goals. I think that’s super cool.  

Are there any challenges you foresee for candidates in the year ahead and what advice would you give to them to navigate the challenges?  

I would just tell them that if they were considering leaving their current job, they should reach out to us before putting in their notice so that way we can help them set up a game plan to find their next opportunity. It is hard to stay in a job that you are unhappy or mistreated in but it is even harder to find the job you really want when unemployed. We see really good candidates struggling with this and it can be discouraging for them. So, hold off and get in contact with a recruiter and talk about what your timeline is and we will help you find something new ASAP. 

What are you and your team’s goals for 2024? 

Our goals as recruiters are to bring in new business but also to continue building the relationships we have with our clients and candidates. And as a team in NJ, I think a goal we have is to grow our office. When I started, we were about 3 people in NJ and now we are 6! It would be cool for us to grow the office as big as some of our other offices like in Pittsburgh or NYC.  

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