
With fears of a recession ebbing, job growth this year is expected to be a repeat of last year.

The non-profit business research group The Conference Board says that though cautious, employers will continue adding jobs in 2020. “We expect job growth to remain solid and the labor market to continue tightening,” said Gad Levanon, head of The Conference Board Labor Markets Institute.

The Conference Board’s Employment Trends Index, flat since mid-2018, tells us the pace of hiring hasn’t changed over the last 18 months. However, the nation’s readily available labor pool, reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics in its U-6 rate is at a historic low 6.7%. U6 includes the officially unemployed, those working part-time who want full-time work and those who are out of work, but not included in the official unemployed count.

What this means for employers, even those who are dialing back job growth, is that filling openings is not going to be any easier in 2020 than it was last year. If anything, it’s likely to be even more difficult.

We’ve pulled the hiring and voluntary quit rates from the Bureau of Labor Statistics to illustrate the hiring difficulty. At a glance, the chart tells the story of what’s been happening. As hiring increased after the recession ended, the rate at which workers quit increased. At the pace workers voluntary quit during the first 11 months of 2019, the rate for the whole year will be about 31%. On average, almost a third of the nation’s workforce quit, most to take another job.

That gap you see between the quits rate and the hires rate explains why employers are having such difficulty filling vacancies. Up to now, the slack has been filled by hiring new workers, the unemployed and those who had been on the employment sidelines, not looking for a job, maybe not even wanting one, but now deciding to accept one.

But that has still not been enough to fill all the jobs, which is why the number of openings is at near historic highs and the time to fill is creeping up.

Consider yourself lucky if your turnover is low and filling openings hasn’t been especially difficult. Every industry is different. The numbers here are national averages.

The bottom line, however, is that retaining workers and filling jobs is not going to get any easier this year, and is likely to get even more difficult. Now would be a good time to give us a call here at Green Key Resources to discuss your hiring needs. You may not have an opening today, but it pays to be prepared. Because our recruiters are specialists, we know where the best people are. So when you are ready to hire, we can move fast.

Give us a call at 212.683.1988 and be prepared.


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Green Key

Here’s Where to Look For News

In the fast moving world of alternatives, one of the challenges is not just staying on top of the financial news, but trying to be ahead.

There’s no shortage of information. Fund managers employ highly-paid analysts using sophisticated computer programs and artificial intelligence to sift through the firehose of news and data to detect actionable patterns and trends.

But when professionals (and more than a few investors) look for news about what others are doing, how they’re performing, competitors, and trends and developments in the world of alternatives, they rely on the many online blogs and publications to stay up-to-date.

Especially for newcomers to field, knowing which are the best, which are the must reads, is not easy. Just identifying blogs specific to alternatives is time-consuming. Fortunately, a few sites have done the work.

From the various lists, we pulled five that appear among the top on each of the sites we consulted. We’re not saying these are the best or the top sources for information about alternatives or hedge funds – though each is newsy, current and well trafficked. Make that decision yourself.

  • CNBC – Provides breaking and other news of the sector. Though many posts are limited to paid subscribers, articles are exclusive and detailed.
  • HedgeWeek – Part of the Global Fund Media Ltd. network focusing on hedge funds. Oriented toward providing industry news with multiple daily updates. Other features: newsletter, special reports, webinars.
  • Opalesque – In-depth and detailed news and commentary on hedge funds and alternatives. Well-regarded and highly knowledgeable, sponsors roundtable discussions among fund managers and investors discussing issues and trends. Limited free subscriptions.
  • Preqin.com – Not a traditional blog, but a data and research provider covering the full range of the alternatives sector. Some of the research is free to registered subscribers. Especially useful are quarterly reports and Preqin Insights posts.
  • Hedgeco.net – Its primary value lies in its database of hedge funds which includes detailed, if not always completely current, information about thousands of funds and managers. The sites includes some news of funds and managers. Free subscriptions are available.

Some others to review:

  • The Hedge Fund Journal – An online magazine of the industry.
  • Risk.net – Not exclusively about alternatives, the site covers risk management, derivatives and regulation with a section devoted to hedge funds.
  • AllAboutAlpha – This is the blog of the Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst Association. Not a news site, the blog includes a broad range of issue-type articles, analysis and commentary by a variety of industry professionals.
  • ManagedFunds.org – The blog of the Managed Funds Association, a trade group.
  • Hedge Fund Law Blog  A service of the Cole-Frieman & Mallon law firm.

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash


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Green Key