
Even if you know what to include and omit, formatting a resume isn’t as simple as it may seem. It’s important to be on top of the tricks that may give you the upper hand.  

What are Automatic Tracking Systems?

Large corporations and staffing agencies are now using Automatic Tracking Systems (ATS) to filter through resumes electronically. With the increased volume of applicants, it’s faster for a computerized system to parse resumes into a structured form. By recognizing specific text and key words, this can expedite the hiring process and create a fair pool of applicants.  According to a 2018 Jobscan study, 98 percent of Fortune 500 companies use applicant tracking systems. 

However, this organization strategy is not perfect. Flaws in the system can cause perfectly qualified applications to filter out of the pool. Luckily, there are a few ways you can prevent your resume from getting rejected. 

How do you format resumes for ATS?

Right from top, the Huffpost says not to put any information in the header or footer. “The problem is that software may not read information correctly or at all if it appears in those top and bottom margins,” they claim.  The parsers are looking for fielded information and may not find it in those areas. Instead, it is safer to put your name and contact information right below the header. 

Additionally, try not to get fancy with columns and graphics. Unless your resume goes straight to the hands of a human reader, its best to avoid visuals like this. The system will struggle to parse them and they’ll likely get deleted. To avoid this, save your resume as a .txt file and look at it from there. If you can still read everything unformatted, you are probably in the clear. 

Using suitable keyword optimization is also crucial. You’ll want to use keywords in your resume that mirror the job description in the listing. Indeed.com instructs, “Look for role-specific terms that the article reuses multiple times. The more prevalent a specific keyword is, the more importance you should place on it within your own resume.” Also, if you have held multiple positions in one company, be sure to reference the company name on every role. Otherwise, the ATS might not recognize each position as associated with that company.  

Formatting a resume is the first step in job searching. In these computerized times, learning the methods to get your resume recognized is pivotal. To further perfect this process, check out our recent articles outlining what to include on your resume and what to leave off your resume.  

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Green Key

CEOs Say Tight Labor and Retaining Talent Are Top Concerns

The possibility of recession, the certainty of intense competition, a tight labor market and global trade and instability, are the top worries of corporate CEOs worldwide.

Only in China, with a population of 1.4 billion, are executives less concerned about the labor market, but even they rank attracting and retaining their best talent as their number one internal worry.

The annual survey of the world’s CEOs by The Conference Board, found unanimous agreement about the outside issues that concern them. Recession, which was at the top of the list of external issues everywhere but the US last year, is now in first place. In Japan, with a rapidly aging and shrinking population and limited immigration, the tight labor market nudged recession fears to second place.

“The ongoing concerns about recession risk among business leaders reflect the slowing economy of the past year and the uncertainties about the outcome of the trade disputes and other policy concerns,” said Bart van Ark, chief economist at The Conference Board.

Of the many internal issues CEOs confront, attracting and retaining their best talent is the leading worry.

“The global challenge in acquiring and retaining talent requires companies to be more strategic – knowing not only what qualities and skills to recruit for, but also how to recruit more efficiently and effectively,” said Rebecca Lea Ray, Ph.D., executive vice president of human capital at The Conference Board.

Two of the other issues among the top five globally are also workforce focused: leadership succession and innovation.

For US leaders developing “Next Gen” leaders is a concern just behind the disruption technology is causing. In other parts of the world, CEOs and the C-suite also consider both among their two or three biggest worries. But in the US, where disruptive technologies are often born, data analytics/data collaboration is a greater concern than elsewhere.

Everywhere, though, creating a more innovative culture is a priority concern.


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Green Key