
Joining a new team can be exciting and stressful. Understanding the dynamics of your new team and discovering your role within it are crucial steps towards a successful work experience. In this article, we’ll explore the intricacies of team dynamics, and provide valuable insights on how to seamlessly integrate yourself into your new team.

What is team dynamics?

Team dynamics at work refer to the interactions, relationships, and behaviors among individuals within a team. It encompasses the way team members collaborate, communicate, and influence one another, impacting overall team performance and effectiveness.

Recognizing Your Team’s Dynamics

  • Observe and Listen: Start by observing how the team operates. Pay specific attention to how team members interact, and their communication style.
  • Identify Key Players: Identify key players by observing who the decision makers and the influencers are. Understanding this informal power structure and hierarchy will help you navigate the team more effectively.
  • Cultural Norms and Values: Take time to learn the team’s culture. Figuring out whether they are collaborative, competitive, or innovative will ensure your transition into the team is smooth.

Finding Your Place

Now that you’ve thoroughly observed and learned about your new team, here are a few strategies to help you find your place.

  • Communicate Effectively: Effective communication is essential for any team, and it builds trust and rapport among team members. Share your ideas, ask questions, and actively listen to your colleagues.
  • Leverage your Strengths: Identify your strengths and how they can contribute to achieving the team’s goals. By showcasing your strengths, you establish yourself as an asset to the team.
  • Build Relationships: Get to know the members of the team on a personal level, show appreciation for their contributions, and be a supportive colleague.

Decoding team dynamics and finding your place within a new team requires observation, adaptability, and effective communication. Embracing the challenge will ensure you thrive in your new team environment.

If you’re looking to transition into a new role or join a dynamic team, the team at Green Key is ready to be your partner along the way. Browse our jobs page or connect with us on LinkedIn to work with our talented recruiters.

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Green Key
Jun 6, 2023

Tips for a Successful Job Search This Summer

Are you in the market for a new job this summer? If so, you might want to factor summer vacation into your job search strategy.

After over a year of remote work and social distancing, the world is slowly but surely returning to normal. As COVID-19 vaccinations become increasingly available and travel restrictions loosen up, we can expect to see more workers taking time off this summer.

Just this past July 4 weekend, nearly 50 million Americans traveled for the holiday, up 40% from 2020 and only 2.5% below the record set in 2019.

While the return of summer vacation is great news for those of us who had to cancel our plans last summer, it can create more obstacles for job seekers during this time.

“With all of those people traveling soon and throughout the summer, it’s bound to disrupt some hiring processes as recruiters, talent professionals and hiring managers take time off to relax,” writes Andrew Seaman, Senior Editor for Job Search & Careers at LinkedIn News.

Does that mean job seekers should put their search on hold for the summer? 

Not necessarily! 

However, it is important for job seekers to revamp their strategy during this time. In his latest article, Seaman highlights several key recommendations from hiring experts. Here are our top three:

1. Keep going

The waiting game is one of the most stressful parts of the job search, and summer can certainly extend this period. The slower pace of hiring processes this summer might discourage active candidates from applying to roles but this will only lead to missed opportunities.

“You must keep your job search going so you don’t miss out on opportunities. Otherwise, people who jump into their searches during the summer or those who do keep going will gain an advantage,” says Seaman.

2. Follow up

Longer response times don’t equate to a rejected application. Recruiters and talent professionals will eventually return to the office and once they do, they will pick up right where they left off. 

Career consultant Jessica Williams touches on the importance of the follow-up email, urging job seekers to be particularly mindful of the following for their job applications:

  • The date the application was submitted
  • Who the application was sent to
  • If the contact sent out an out-of-office reply, their return-to-office date 

“Set a reminder on your phone and create a laid out follow up email to be sent on that date. This way you’re ahead of the follow up and you don’t have to stress,” writes Williams.

3. Reevaluate your job search

Slow periods are a great time for candidates to research roles in new industries and develop new skillsets. They’re also the perfect time to network. 

“Research other industries/companies that you are interested in and create a targeted job search strategy by creating a list and identify key players you can proactively network with,” writes career coach and recruiter June Caloroso.

What’s next?

Someone else’s vacation should never get in the way of your career goals. Green Key is here to support your search. Yes, even in the middle of summer. 

In fact, we’re posting more jobs for you to check out every day. Take a look for yourself: https://greenkeyllc.com/jobs/

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Green Key